Faithfully Calling Me Home

Finding Healing Down Broken Roads

At only fourteen years old, Jennifer Train Conway has little in common with Montana
Leeland, a woman in her thirties she has never met and who lives more than a hundred
miles to the south. But on an unusually cold morning in early November, they each find
themselves pushed into making hard choices that will leave them both feeling alone and
deeply afraid.

Neither of them fully understands that they desperately need a place they can call
home. Will the brokenness in their pasts keep them from finding what is most missing in
their hearts? Given the trauma of their lives, is the idea of a place where they will feel
protected, provided for, and loved for who they are just so foreign that it is beyond their
ability to comprehend? And if they can find that place, will they even be able to trust that
they are truly home?

How can they possibly fathom that every person who crosses each of their paths is
placed there, as if by some divine appointment, and is an integral part of an elaborate
plan to help them find their way home?

But more than that, will they ever experience the ultimate expression of the feeling of
“home” in the overwhelming presence of the One who created them, the One who is
preparing a place for them to live where there will be no more tears, nor death, nor
mourning, nor pain, ever again?

Won’t you join me on this surprising and exciting adventure into faith, hope, love. and

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Prayers After God’s Own Heart: A Daily Devotional

This one-year daily devotional is an invitation—an invitation to come on a fresh and exciting adventure into the Word of God. It is an invitation to enter into a deeper, more intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father—the One who made you, and wants you, and loves you like no other.

It is an invitation to enter into the peace, and joy, and protection, and provision, and purpose of an abundant life that can only be found by having a right relationship with the Father through Christ—a covenant relationship of surrender, trust and obedience. It is a call to live in Truth, and to allow that Truth to set you free to be everything that God has called you to be

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God’s Word has an answer to every situation and circumstance of your life, and this devotional explores many of those answers, as it moves you from fear to faith, from doubt to belief, from despair to hope, from darkness to light, from the lies of the enemy to the truth of God’s unrelenting, unending, unfailing, and passionate love for you!

Each day’s devotion focuses on a particular passage from the Bible, and uses the truth found in the passage to offer a prayer for God’s help in correctly understanding and rightly applying that truth to your life. As you move through the year, each new day will bring new insights into who God is and all that He has done for you. It will also reveal who you are in Christ—so you can courageously and confidently do all things that that He asks of you, knowing your strength is found in Him alone.

This devotional will change your life—because you cannot come to knowledge of the Truth of the Word of God and not be changed. The way that you allow it to change your life will depend largely on the choices that you make when confronted with the Truth. Use this devotional to help you choose wisely God’s very best path for you—and know that He always has your best interests at heart.

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